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Decades old dream of Kalinga Vysya, Sishtakarana, Sondi Castes OBC reservation started in Delhi level with the initiative of MP GVL***

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*On the initiative of MP GVL, the Union Minister and NCBC Chairman met with the above three social groups०००

BJP MP Shri GVL Narasimha Rao has been discussing with the representatives of Kalinga Vaishya/Komati, Sishtakarana and Sondi communities who have been frustrated for the last few decades as various attempts to achieve OBC have been unsuccessful and took them in a delegation to meet the Union Minister of Social Justice and the Chairman of the National Commission for Backward Castes. Delhi.

GVL met with all of them today at his residence first and once again thoroughly discussed with full details. Later, MP GVL took them to the Union Social Justice Minister Dr. Virendra Kumar and NCBC Chairman Shri Hansraj Ahir and thoroughly explained to both of them the backwardness of the above three social classes and the need to include them in the Central list of OBCs.

*Meeting with Union Minister for Social Justice Shri Virendra Kumar*

MP GVL Narasimha Rao had a meeting with the Union Social Justice Minister Dr. Virendra Kumar, along with the representatives of Kalingavaishya, Sishta Karana, and Sondi communities. In the presence of the representatives of the respective communities, GVL presented his report on the need to include them in the OBC community. The officials of the ministry were called by the Minister to respond immediately and were ordered to look into the matter and take further action.

*Meeting with NCBC Chairman Shri Hansraj Ahir*

After that, MP GVL Narasimha Rao went with Kalingavaishya, Sishtha Karana and Sondi community representatives to meet Shri Hansraj Ahir, Chairman, National Backward Classes Commission. Shri Ahir, on the request of MP GVL, briefed the Chairman explaining their social background and backwardness.

NCBC Chairman Shri Hansraj Ahir informed that he will come to Andhra Pradesh on August 1 to meet the above three classes and Turpu Kapus whose problems have been brought to NCBC’s notice.

The representatives of the three social groups expressed joy at the back to back meetings organised by MP GVL and expressed their sincere gratitude to MP GVL and expressed hope that these efforts will help in achieving the OBC status for their communities.

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